全民出击 - 子弹大师

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Screenshot Life is never easy for an agent. Without backup, limited bullets, are you ready to face the dark side of the world? Save the world from evil guys once and once again, are you ready to keep taking them down in your last lifetime? Justice is never absent, and legend agents never stop to fight! Now, it's go party!

1. Fight evil, save the world
There are always some evil guys trying to get the world in troubles. And you, agent, living legend, it's your duty to destroy their evil plans save the world from the edge of danger. No matter who they are, alien, ninja, mafia, zombie, even spy agent, as long as cross the line, then they are your targets that you are taking down.

2. Identify Traps, solve puzzles
The stupid enemies think they can get you down via the traps. Are you? How smart you are? Use your wise and deadly accuracy to let them know! All the traps are specially designed and only the smartest and quickest can solve all the puzzles with limited bullets! More than 1000 puzzles are waiting for you. Are you ready to take the challenge?

3. Engaging Physics Shooter
Get full use of your Physics mind, observe all the items in the map. The Greatest Physic shooters can solve all the puzzles with only one shot as long as they get full use of the items like explosive, glass, balloon, and even the bodies of enemies. Open your mind and figure it out. You can do it!

4. Endless challenges, keep updating
The challenge here is endless. Various kinds of mission and more than 1000 dungeons (keep updating) are waiting for you. Also, we will keep releasing new skins and weapons weekly! You will never want to miss these amazing updating!